Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alternate means of running a Taeb AI agent

The easiest way to use an AI agent other than Demo in Taeb is to install the new agent into your Taeb installation. If you do this, then you only need to have a config.yml in your .taeb directory that specifies this new agent.

But, if for some reason, you don't want the agent's source code to be installed into your main installation, there is another way. As before, you will still need a config.yml in your .taeb file. If you have followed the software conventions for Taeb agents, cd into your agent's lib directory;The lib directory only contains the directory 'TAEB'. Inside that directory, lib, which is considered the 'top' of your agent's code, run 'taeb'. This will grab the agent defined under 'taeb' as the agent to run.

One can get the same results if one sets the full path of PERL5LIB to the 'lib' directory of your agent. This method has the advantage that only a config.yml is needed. No need to run taeb from the specific lib directory of your agent.

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